Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Dutch Bike

It is not widely known that all Dutch bicycles were made sometime between 1942 and 1958. A lot of them must have been made during those years, because, apparently, no new models have ever been constructed since then. From this enormous original stock Dutch bicycles are recycled in various states of repair.

All Dutch bicycles are black.* If they are some other color now, it is because some, ahem, creative type bought some cheap variety store spray paint and drippily covered over the black with some other color, like white zebra stripes or golden-puke or some godawful shade of green. But their essential blackness returns eventually, that and the rust.

Dutch bicycles weigh 200 Kilograms. They are ready for any collision, so watch out.

* Except for the rear fender, which is always white.